The International Medical Veritas Association is now two years old. If you visit the IMVA site you will see the new face we are putting out into the world with our focus in seven areas: 1) The Rising Tide of Mercury (Dental, Vaccines, Environmental) 2) Diabetes and Diabetic Neuropathy 3) Transdermal Magnesium Mineral Therapy 4) Sports Medicine 5) Childhood Immunization & Autism 6) Natural Detoxification and Chelation of heavy metals. 7) Natural Child Birth Below find the beginning of a series on diabetes. The International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA) introduces a much needed medical intervention for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and the many complications that come from it. There are two mammoth factors that the IMVA has discovered are linked to the horrendous rise in diabetes in adults and children that the western medical establishment is not willing to acknowledge. The first is chemical poisoning and the second is magnesium deficiency. When we confront the fact that every 30 seconds a leg is lost because of diabetes somewhere in the world, there is much to get excited about in our safe and natural treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy. I have just recently begun to receive some mail from people worried about me. Sorry to have been away for so long but have been working in earnest to finish the magnesium book and to open our work in the area of diabetes and sports medicine. We are a very young organization and have been working without financial resources though a few people have stepped in to lend a helping hand. That help has been instrumental and for that we owe a debt of gratitude. We have not asked directly for donations to our readers but we appeal to any and everyone who can support our work. Global Light Network, which donated quite a bit of its Magnesium Oil for our research last summer, is now donating a percentage of all magnesium sales to the IMVA. Thus a great way to support our work is to stock up your medicine cabinets with magnesium chloride. We also are intimately involved with FEBICO, a fine producer of spirulina and chlorella at the very southern tip of Taiwan, Natural Body Beautiful, a company that deals in the finest calcium bentonite clay, and with Science Formulas, which produces Chelorex, a natural chelation product for adults. All these companies have donated their products to facilitate our work in helping others recover from chemical poisoning. Replacing billions of dollars of pharmaceuticals with a safe mineral/medicine like magnesium chloride is now one of our primary goals. It's our medical revolution in progress. We need people to work with us. We need people to study with us and then visit health food stores, doctors, chiropractors and everyone who is involved in the health field. As you will see below and on the IMVA site, our big push right now is into the nightmarish realm of diabetes, which in a medical sense is hitting the worlds population in a much more intense way than the tidal waves that reached around the Indian Ocean. We intend to kick many doors down on this issue though this does not diminish our commitment in the area of autism and childhood immunization. Please see our new presentations on these subjects on the new IMVA site. Mark Sircus Ac., OMD Director International Medical Veritas Association +55-83-3252-2195 ID: marksircus IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The communication in this email is intended for informational purposes only. Nothing in this email is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. To unsubscribe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magnesium and Diabetic Neuropathy International Medical Veritas Association If diabetes has no cure, if its like a wind that never ends, at least we can slow that wind down and even make it stop. Introduction Diabetes is commonly thought to have no cure. It is progressive and often fatal, and while the patient lives, the mass of medical complications it sets off can attack every major organ. Though public health officials acknowledge that their ability to slow the disease is limited, and though doctors fear a huge wave of new cases will overwhelm public health systems, "Public health authorities around the country have all but ignored chronic illnesses like diabetes, focusing instead on communicable diseases, which kill far fewer people," according to the New York Times. Hospitals around New York City are full of diabetic patients and on any given day, nearly half the patients are there for some trouble precipitated by the disease.[i] Type two diabetes is being declared an epidemic in New York City. With one in three children born in the United States expected to become diabetic in their lifetimes, a close look at its surge in New York City offers a disturbing glimpse of where the city, and the rest of the world is headed. Diabetes has swept through families, entire neighborhoods in the Bronx and broad slices of Brooklyn. While the ranks of American diabetics have exploded by an extremely painful 80 percent in the last decade, New York has seen a devastating explosion of 140 percent. New York is not the only place where the disease is exploding. "Half of Texas children born after the year 2000 will develop diabetes," said Department of State Health Services Commissioner Dr. Eduardo Sanchez.[ii] Type 2 Diabetes is sweeping so rapidly through America we need not waste time giving children bicycles. Just roll them a wheelchair. Boston Globe[iii] This medical review of diabetic neuropathy introduces a much needed medical intervention for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and the many complications that come from it. Though safe effective treatments are desperately needed there is something strange in the medical establishments approach to diabetic care. The New York Times says in this regard, "In the Treatment of Diabetes, Success Often Does Not Pay." "It's almost as though the system encourages people to get sick and then people get paid to treat them," said Dr. Matthew E. Fink, a former president of Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan. The Times bemoans "a medical system so focused on acute illnesses that it is struggling to respond to diabetes, a chronic disease that looms as the largest health crisis facing the city."[iv] Something is wrong with the way allopathic medicine is dealing with diabetes and that starts with its refusal to look honestly at what is causing the disease. Diabetes gives us a clear picture of how the human race is being caught between a rock and a hard place, a kind of devils anvil of our own corporate making. The human body is failing to deal with massive chemical exposure in the face of hugely increasing deficiencies in basic nutrients like magnesium. Malnutrition is now in full bloom in the first world even among the obese. Magnesium and Diabetic Neuropathy Magnesium is necessary for the production, function & transport of insulin. Magnesium is known to be necessary for nerve conduction; deficiency is known to cause peripheral neuropathy symptoms and studies suggest that a deficiency in magnesium may worsen blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes. Scientists believe that a deficiency of magnesium interrupts insulin secretion in the pancreas and increases insulin resistance in the body's tissues. Magnesium deficiency played a role in the constriction of arteries and enhanced injury to the cellular tissues lining the blood vessels. Peripheral artery disease, or peripheral vascular disease, refers to diseases of the arteries and veins of the extremities, especially atherosclerosis with narrowing of the arteries. This opens the door to the development and progression of atherosclerosis and sets the stage for the development of neurological events such as strokes. These same conditions set the stage for the development of peripheral diabetic neuropathy.[i] This entire scenario described here also sets the stage for the development of peripheral neuropathy even when diabetes is not present. A recent analysis showed that people with higher dietary intakes of magnesium (through consumption of whole grains, nuts, and green leafy vegetables) had a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes.[ii] Magnesium has potentially beneficial effects at several key steps of glucose and insulin metabolism. In animal studies, dietary magnesium supplementation can prevent fructose-induced insulin resistance and elevations of blood pressure in rats. [iii] The convergence of large drops in cellular magnesium, which offers protective coverage against chemical toxicity, with increasing poisoning of people's blood streams with heavy metals like arsenic, mercury and lead, as well as a literal host of other chemical toxins in the environment, are teaming up to disrupt normal cell phsyiological. Eating junk food fits into an alarming picture for modern diets of highly processed foods translates into magnesium deficiencies, and processed food are also high in chemical preservatives, pesticides, and food additives that are harmful to health and put further strains on magneisum reserves in the body. Magnesium deficiency is associated with insulin resistance and increased platelet reactivity. An abstract from Disorders of Magnesium Metabolism[iv] concludes, "Magnesium depletion is more common than previously thought. It seems to be especially prevalent in patients with diabetes mellitus. It is usually caused by losses from the kidney or gastrointestinal tract. A patient with magnesium depletion may present with neuromuscular symptoms, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, or cardiovascular complication. Physicians should maintain a high index of suspicion for magnesium depletion in patients at high risk and should implement therapy early." A separate Gallup survey (in 1995) of 500 adults with diabetes reported that 83 percent of those with diabetes are consuming insufficient magnesium from food, with many by significant margins.[v] Diabetic neuropathy and other complications of diabetes are made worse as a result of concurrent magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is known to be deficient in over 68% of the US population, and more so in diabetics who waste magnesium more than others when blood sugars are out of control. Up to 80% of type 2 diabetics have a magnesium deficiency.[vi] Children labeled "pre diabetic" (now 41 million) are in great need of magnesium, which has been linked to preventing the development of type 2 diabetes.[vii] In a series of papers, Dr. L. M. Resnick has shown in the test tube that an increase in glucose in the fluid leads to the release and/or displacement of Magnesium from the red blood cells, thus in the body hyperglycemia, high blood sugar, will cause a total body Magnesium deficiency.[viii] A more recent study shows us that "Serum magnesium depletion is present and shows a strong relationship with foot ulcers in subjects with type 2 diabetes and foot ulcers, a relationship not previously reported." Hypomagnesemia is associated with the development of neuropathy and abnormal platelet activity, both of which are risk factors for the progression of ulcers of the feet.[ix] Lower serum magnesium levels are associated with more rapid decline of renal function. Thus we can expect to find that magnesium can be used to prevent and treat both diabetes and the complications that come from it including severe peripheral neuropathy. Dr. S. E. Browne makes a strong case for intravenous magnesium treatment of arterial disease and has used magnesium sulphate in his general practice for over three decades. "Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) in a 50% solution was injected initially intramuscularly and later intravenously into patients with peripheral vascular disease (including gangrene, claudication, leg ulcers and thrombophlebitis), angina, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), non-haemorrhagic cerebral vascular disease and congestive cardiac failure. A powerful vasodilator effect with marked flushing was noted after intravenous (IV) injection of 4-12 mmol of magnesium (Mg) and excellent therapeutic results were noted in all forms of arterial disease."[x] Dr. Herbert Mansmann Jr., Director of the Magenesium Research Lab,[xi] who is a diabetic with congenital magnesium deficiency and severe peripheral neuropathy, shares that he was able to reverse the neuropathy and nerve degeneration with a year of using oral magnesium preparations at very high doses. "For example it took me 6 tabs of each of the following every 4 hours, Maginex, MgOxide, Mag-Tab SR and Magonate to get in positive Mg balance. I tell people this not to scare them, but to illustrate how much I needed to saturate myself. Most will only need 10% of this amount. I was doing an experiment on myself to see if it helped my diabetic neuropathy. It worked so I did it for one year, and I have had significant nerve regeneration. I could never have been able to do this with MgSO4 baths (Epsom Salt), since I could not get into and out of a bath tub" [xii] "I was saturated at about 3 grams of elemental Mg per day, but went to 20 grams for over a year. I now take 5 grams, and stools are semi-formed, and the surrounding water is clear, 3-4 per day." "Mg is very safe, since the gut absorption is regulated by serum Mg levels, and then the Mg stays in the gut and results in varying degrees of diarrhea. Then the dose is too high. Want soft semi-formed stools. Mine, while on high dosages of magnesium were liquid every 2-4 hours for 2 years, the electrolytes every month were normal, but for low potassium, part of my urinary Mg wasting, both," wrote Mansmann. Dr. Mansmann concludes, "I have had diabetic neuropathy for over 10 years. The most significant symptom is my neuropathic pain of burning feet, called erythromelalgia. With the aid of Mg I can completely suppress the symptom, but if my blood glucose level is acutely elevated, because of a dietary indiscretion, the pain flares in spite of an apparent adequate dose of Mg. It goes away with extra Mg gluconate (Magonate) in an hour or so in either case. Without the Mg it will last for six plus hours, even though the blood glucose level is normal in about two hours." "It is my belief that every one with diabetes should be taking Mg supplementation to the point of one's Maximum Tolerated Dose, which is until one has soft-semi, formed stools. In addition, anyone with neuropathy, without a known cause, must be adequately evaluated for diabetes and especially those with poorly, slowly, healing foot sores of any kind. Since the use of Mg is safe I see no reason that this should not be "the standard of care".[xiii] Conclusion Prolonged use of Magnesium will prevent chronic complications from diabetes.[xiv] "The current "party line" on this subject is not universally accepted, but many of us believe the establishment is too conservative and will some day change. While admitting its importance, for some unknown reason they remain reluctant to recommend magnesium supplements. They just do not know how poor the American diet is in Mg and the frequency of magnesium deficiency" says Dr. Mansmann.[xv] Poorly controlled diabetes increases loss of magnesium in urine. It would be prudent for physicians who treat diabetic patients to consider magnesium deficiency as a contributing factor in many diabetic complications and as a main factor in exacerbation of the disease itself. Recent research from many sources suggests that magnesium for the treatment of diabetes should be paramount in physicians' minds. The most recent example, after only 8 weeks of oral magnesium, thermal hyperalgesia was normalized and plasma magnesium and glucose levels were restored towards normal in rats.[xvi] Repletion of the deficiency with transdermal magnesium chloride mineral therapy[xvii] is the ideal way of administering magnesium in medically therapeutic doses. Such treatments will, in all likelihood, help avoid or ameliorate such complications as diabetic peripheral neuropathy, arrhythmias, hypertension, and sudden cardiac death and will even improve the course of the diabetic condition in general.[xviii] Once doctors, primary healthcare providers and the public are made aware of the role of magnesium in diabetes there will be no excuse to not increase public magnesium consumption, which can even be added to water supplies[xix] instead of poisonous fluoride[xx] and dangerous statins[xxi],[xxii],[xxiii] which are also known to cause peripheral neuropathy with long term use. During a stroke or heart attack it would be cruel, medically incompetent and life threatening to not use magnesium chloride or magnesium sulfate immediately. The same kind of treatment that saves lives in dramatic life threatening situations is urgently needed in the treatment of diabetes and diabetic neuropathy. Incredible as it seems, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in Missouri are currently evaluating BOTOX® injections to help treat foot ulcers.[xxiv] Botox injections are a diluted form of botulism that will paralyze the specified muscle area. Botulinum toxin is made by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. The bacteria themselves (and their spores) are harmless, but the toxin is considered one of the most lethal known poisons, one that has been a principle agent in biological warfare.[xxv] It binds to nerve endings where they join muscles, leading to weakness or paralysis. Recovery from botulism occurs when the nerves grow new endings, which can take months, according to the FDA.[xxvi] Choosing highly toxic options has no medical merit when there are infinitely safer treatments like magnesium chloride that is so safe that it helps prevent the development of foot ulcers and diabetic neuropathy in the first place. And if Botox injections are not absurd enough "Maggot Therapy" is on the rise again. Maggot therapy was the standard treatment for healing wounds in the 1930s. Maggots are placed in the wounds and used to digest the necrotic tissues that prevent healing. Medicinal maggots produce enzymes that dissolve dead tissue on a wound, disinfect the wound, and stimulate the production of granulation tissue.[xxvib] Maggot therapy is promoted at the point of no return, when all else has failed to heal wounds and infections, before amputation is done. Medically things would rarely progress to this point if magnesium chloride is used in prevention and treatment of such problems. Magnesium chloride has the added advantage over other magnesium forms in that it is antiseptic as well as cytophilactic. Rapid increase of magnesium stores are necessary in some cases and may be lifesaving for diabetics as they are for other patients in emergency rooms. Preventative effects of magnesium may go a long way to protecting the children of the future from early onset of both diabetes and the complications that come from it. The safety profile of magnesium chloride is extraordinary compared to today's pharmaceutical drugs. It is only with severe renal insufficiency that problems have been observed with magnesium treatments. The elderly are at risk of magnesium toxicity only because of possible decreased renal function so caution is necessary. Special Note: While Dr. Mansmann makes a strong case for high doses of magnesium, it cannot be ignored that GLA has also been recognized for it's ability to stop and/or reverse peripheral neuropathy and is endorsed by Dr. Atkins, of the famous Atkins diet, which many diabetics follow. Dr. Atkins says, "Science has established rather conclusively that GLA halts the otherwise inevitable advance of nerve damage caused by diabetes. GLA helps the nerves to heal. As one study of 111 patients showed, people with either form of diabetes, Type I or Type II, can benefit, using a dose as small as 480 mg of GLA per day.[xxvii] Other research suggests that the fatty acid may even prevent the nerve deterioration from starting up.[xxviii] Some kind of abnormality in fatty acid metabolism is very likely involved in the development of diabetic complications and maybe even the development of diabetes itself. People who have the disease seem unable to make GLA from dietary fats and therefore may suffer from an insufficiency of PGE1, (Prostaglandin E1, a beneficial hormone-like compound). Coincidentally enough, this substance can potentiate the work of insulin and exerts insulin like actions of its own. Therefore diabetics need all the PGE1 that GLA can help them make." Spirulina is very high in both magnesium and GLA. Copywrite International Medical Veritas Association 2006. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i] New York Times. January 9, 2006 [ii] [iii] Derrick Z. Jackson, Diabetes and the trash food industry. Boston Globe. January 11, 2006 [iv] NY Times. January 11, 2006. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Amighi J, Sabeti S, Schlager O, Mlekusch W, Exner M, Lalouschek W, Ahmadi R, Minar E, Schillinger M. Low serum magnesium predicts neurological events in patients with advanced atherosclerosis. Stroke. 2008 Jan; 35(1): 22-7. Epub 2003 Dec 04. Researchers conducted the study to see if magnesium levels were associated with stroke risk in patients with peripheral artery disease. The study authors followed 323 patients with symptomatic peripheral artery disease and intermittent claudication (www. age was 68 years) for 12 to 25 months. Thirty-five of the subjects (11%) developed neurologic events such as strokes. Subjects who had the lowest magnesium serum levels had triple the risk for stroke and other harmful neurologic events compared to the patients with the highest serum magnesium levels. [ii] [iii] Total serum magnesium was reduced in the high-fructose group compared with control or high-fructose plus magnesium-supplemented groups. Blood pressure and fasting insulin levels were also lower in the magnesium-supplemented group. These results suggest that magnesium deficiency and not fructose ingestion per se leads to insulin insensitivity in skeletal muscle and changes in blood pressure. Dietary magnesium prevents fructose-induced insulin insensitivity in rats.Batan; Hypertension. 1994 Jun;23(6 Pt 2):1036-9. [iv] Endocrinology & Metabolism Clinics of North America. 24(3):623-41, 1995 Sep. [v] v57, Better Nutrition for Today's Living, March '95, p34. [vi] Carper, J. Mighty Magnesium. USA Weekend. 2002 Aug 30-Sept 1. [vii]Magnesium Deficiency Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Studies conducted at Harvard University indicate that people who have high levels of magnesium in their blood are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance than those with lower levels. Studies in Mexico have also found an alleviation of diabetes symptoms in patients who took dietary supplements containing magnesium. Original Source:,31268.asp [viii] Diabetologia" 36(8):767-70, 1993 [ix] Low serum magnesium levels and foot ulcers in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Rodriguez-Moran M, Guerrero-Romero F. Arch Med Res. 2001 Jul-Aug;32(4):300-3. [x] S. E. BROWNE. The Case for Intravenous Magnesium Treatment of Arterial Disease in General Practice. Journal of Nutritional Medicine (1994) 4, 169-177 [xi] Herbert C. Mansmann Jr. MD. Honorary Professor of Pediatrics. P.O. Box 791, Rangeley, ME 04970 Associate Professor of Medicine (1968-03) Director of the Magnesium Research. Laboratory (1989-03) Thomas Jefferson University [xii] [xiii] [xiv] The effect of magnesium supplementation in increasing doses on the control of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 1998 May;21(5):682-6. [xv] [xvi] Hasanein P. et al. Oral magnesium administration prevents thermal hyperalgesia induced by diabetes in rats. Department of Biology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2006 Jan 14 [xvii] See for full information on transdermal magnesium chloride mineral therapy. And go to to see the recommended natural seawater product with the highest concentration and lowest toxicity that the International Medical Veritas Association endorses. [xviii] Long term magnesium supplementation influences favourably the natural evolution of neuropathy in Mg-depleted type 1 diabetic patients (T1dm); De Leeuw et al; Magnes Res. 2004 Jun; 17(2):109-14 [xix] [xx] Because fluoride is excreted through the kidney, people with renal insufficiency would have impaired renal clearance of fluoride (Juncos and Donadio 1972). Elderly people are more susceptible to fluoride toxicity. [xxi] Statins and peripheral neuropathy; U. Jeppesen , D. Gaist , T. Smith S. H. Sindrup European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Volume 54, Number 11;835 - 838 January 1999 [xxii] The Peripheral Neuropathy Caused by Statins Petition to Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America and companies listed was created by DrugIntel Statin Users with Neuropathy and written by John Lehmann. "We users of statin drugs have experienced some of the symptoms listed below [1] that characterize peripheral neuropathy (damage to nerves outside the brain). Medical research published in peer-reviewed journals has shown that statins are able to cause peripheral neuropathy or a syndrome that is very similar to it. We petition the pharmaceutical manufacturers of statins [2] to: 1. Notify patients (past, current, and prospective users of statins) and healthcare professionals (physicians, pharmacists, nurses, physicians' assistants) of the risk associated with statin use and what to do once the first signs and symptoms of neuropathy have appeared. 2. Sponsor and perform research on how statins cause neuropathy. 3. Sponsor and perform clinical research on how to cure and reverse the neuropathy caused by statins. 4. Perform clinical research and recommend the best drug treatments to mitigate the pain and make other symptoms of statin-induced neuropathy more tolerable. 5.Proactively offer reparation to statin users who have suffered neuropathy. The petition will be presented to the Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufactuers Association and to the Medical Affairs Departments of the companies listed, as well as any additional companies that may be identified as relevant over time [xxiii] Statins and risk of polyneuropathy D Gaist, MD PhD, U Jeppesen, M Andersen, LAG Neurology 2002;58:1333-1337 © 2002 American Academy of Neurology Statins and risk of polyneuropathy. [xxiv] Participants receive injections of the toxin in six places in the calf muscle and then the leg is put into a cast. The idea is that this will help prevent pressure on the ball of the foot during walking. The ball if the foot is the area most affected by foot ulcers and allowing an ulcer to heal completely helps prevent recurrence. [xxv] Botulinum toxin has been a concern as a potential biological warfare agent since World War II. In response to concerns about Germany's botulinum toxin research, the United States and Great Britain developed countermeasures against the toxin before the invasion of Europe. More recently, Iraq has been accused of producing large amounts of botulinum toxin for use as a biological warfare agent. The extreme toxicity of botulinum toxins and the ease of production, transport, and delivery make this an agent of extreme bioterrorism concern. [xxvi] Overview of Botulism: [i] Maggot Therapy Speeds Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers. [xxvii] Keen, H., et al., Diabetes Care, 1993; 16: 8-15. [xxviii] Jamal, G., Diabetic Medicine, 1994; 11(2): 145-49.

1. National Center for Health Statistics, "Fast Stats", Deaths/Mortality Preliminary 2001 data
2. Dr Herbert Ley, in response to a question from Senator Edward Long about the FDA during US Senate hearings in 1965
3. Eisenberg, David M., MD, "Credentialing complementary and alternative medical providers", Annals of Internal Medicine 137(12):968 (December 17, 2002)
4. American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association, The Official Pocket Guide to Diabetic Exchanges (

), McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Distributed Products, newly updated March 1, 1998
5. American Heart Association, "How Do I Follow a Healthy Diet?", American Heart Association National Center (7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75231-4596, USA),
6. Brown., J.A.C., Pears Medical Encyclopedia Illustrated, 1971, p. 250
7. Joslyn, E.P., Dublin, L.I., Marks, H.H., "Studies on Diabetes Mellitus", American Journal of Medical Sciences 186:753-773 (1933)
8. "Diabetes Mellitus", Encyclopedia Americana, Library Edition, vol. 9, 1966, pp. 54-56
9. American Heart Association, "Stroke (Brain Attack)", August 28, 1998,;
American Heart Association, "Cardiovascular Disease Statistics", August 28, 1998,;
"Statistics related to overweight and obesity",;
10. "Diabetes Mellitus", Encyclopedia Americana, ibid., pp. 54-55
11. The Veterans Administration Coronary Artery Bypass Co-operative Study Group, "Eleven-year survival in the Veterans Administration randomized trial of coronary bypass surgery for stable angina", New Eng. J. Med. 311:1333-1339 (1984); Coronary Artery Surgery Study (CASS), "A randomized trial of coronary artery bypass surgery: quality of life in patients randomly assigned to treatment groups", Circulation 68(5):951-960 (1983)
12. Trager, J., The Food Chronology, Henry Holt & Company, New York, 1995 (items listed by date)
13. "Margarine", Encyclopedia Americana, Library Edition, vol. 9, 1966, pp. 279-280
14. Fallon, S., Connolly, P., Enig, M.C., Nourishing Traditions, Promotion Publishing, 1995;
Enig, M.C., "Coconut: In Support of Good Health in the 21st Century",
15. Houssay, Bernardo, A., MD, et al., Human Physiology, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1955, pp. 400-421
16. Gustavson, J., et al., "Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake involves the transition of glucose transporters to a caveolae-rich fraction within the plasma cell membrane: implications for type II diabetes", Mol. Med. 2(3):367-372 (May 1996)
17. Ganong, William F., MD, Review of Medical Physiology, 19th edition, 1999, p. 9, pp. 26-33
18. Pan, D.A. et al., "Skeletal muscle membrane lipid composition is related to adiposity and insulin action", J. Clin. Invest. 96(6):2802-2808 (December 1995)
19. Physicians' Desk Reference, 53rd edition, 1999
20. Smith, Thomas, Insulin: Our Silent Killer, Thomas Smith, Loveland, Colorado, revised 2nd edition, July 2000, p. 20
21. Law Offices of Charles H. Johnson & Associates (telephone 1 800 535 5727, toll free in North America)
22. American Heart Association, "Diabetes Mellitus Statistics",
23. Shanmugasundaram, E.R.B. et al. (Dr Ambedkar Institute of Diabetes, Kilpauk Medical College Hospital, Madras, India), "Possible regeneration of the Islets of Langerhans in Streptozotocin-diabetic rats given Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract", J. Ethnopharmacology 30:265-279 (1990);
Shanmugasundaram, E.R.B. et al., "Use of Gemnema sylvestre leaf extract in the control of blood glucose in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus", J. Ethnopharmacology 30:281-294 (1990)
24. Smith, ibid., pp. 97-123
25. Many popular artificial sweeteners on sale in the supermarket are extremely poisonous and dangerous to the diabetic; indeed, many of them are worse than the sugar the diabetic is trying to avoid; see, for example, Smith, ibid., pp. 53-58.
26. Walker, Morton, MD, and Shah, Hitendra, MD, Chelation Therapy
27. Expensive but Delicious ~ A little goes a long way: May this website author also suggest Gourmet Virgin Tea Oil?
28. Your source for research on the health benefits of coconut oil:
29. Virgin Coconut Oil: The Healthy Oil for Diabetes by Bruce Fife, N.D. ( ), Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, Connecticut, 1997, ISBN 0-87983-730-6

Fats and Oils

Fats and oils are an important part of any well designed dietary plan. A good working understanding of just what they are and how they work is an essential part of any well conceived diet. Fats and oils, certainly as much and perhaps more than any other single dietary component, directly impact our health in profound ways.

The difference between fats and oils is in their melting point. Fats tend to be solids at room temperature; oils tend to be liquid at room temperature. To turn a fat into an oil, merely raise its temperature above its melting point. If the temperature continues to increase beyond the melting point to the point where some smoke becomes evident, the molecular structure of the oils will change and a number of toxic molecular isomers will be produced in the oil. If the oil is allowed to cool or to resolidify, the toxic products will remain. The temperatures where this damage is done to our fats and oils is about half the temperatures reached in the refining and Hydrogenation processes (part of the aforementioned "" of greed). Thus, these processes routinely destroy all of the nutritional value of our fats and oils. These refined and/or Hydrogenated fats and oils are characterized by an extraordinarily long shelf life; some are virtually un spoilable (e.g. "vegetable" oil, "canola" {a.k.a. oilseed or lear} oil, "safflower" oil, peanut oil, etc...).

triglyceride molecular structureNaturally occurring fats and oils are Triglycerides. Triglycerides consist of three fatty acids bound to a Glycerol backbone. Each fatty acid consists of a Carbon-Hydrogen chain with a Carboxyl group at the end that is attached to the Glycerol molecule. The other end is typically terminated with a Hydrogen bond. Unless changed chemically, by artificial technology, this is the natural form which we find in the fats and oils that are nutritionally useful. The length of the fatty acid chain as well as its configuration and relative degree of saturation determine how the fatty acid will act within our body. Some fatty acids are vitally necessary to life processes; some are poisons.

phospholipidFatty acids are also found in other molecules besides Triglycerides. For example Phospholipids have two fatty acids and a Phosphorus molecule attached to the Glycerol backbone. Phospholipids too, play an important role in our cellular health.

Understanding Triglycerides is an important issue that is complicated by a great deal of pseudo science that is specifically designed to confuse and mislead. In addition to the Triglycerides that we eat in the form of fats and oils, we also have Triglycerides formed, within our bodies, from the sugars and starches that we eat. Much of this Triglyceride load is deposited in our adipose (fat) cells when we eat too much fat and sugar and some of us become obese. Some of these Triglycerides are broken down into their fatty acids which are then used in cell repair. When we lack CIS type w=3's in our diet, most of the fatty acid load is either trans-fats or saturated fats; these are used to repair our cell membranes. It is the combined absence of the CIS w=3 fats and oils and the presence of these saturated and trans-fats and other toxic isomers that cause these cellular membranes to become stiff and sticky instead of fluid and slippery. Additional biochemical detail on this cellular membrane issue is discussed on the above diabetes article.

The saturated fat Triglycerides circulate in the blood stream before finding a home in our Adipose cells (fat cells). They tend to be sticky instead of slippery and so contribute to the high incidence of Strokes and Atherosclerosis associated with high levels of Triglycerides in the blood. They make the blood viscosity thicker and cause the Platelets to tend to stick together. They are also an essential step in the chain of events that cause obesity.

All dietary fatty acids may be divided into two categories: Saturated and Unsaturated. The Unsaturated fats and oils differ from each other in their configuration and in their degree of unsaturation. Both types of fatty acids are produced by the the animal and by the vegetable kingdoms, although some are predominately found in animal sources and some are predominately found in vegetable sources. Most concentrated vegetable sources are seeds and nuts; most animal sources are animal body fat. Unrefined fish oils are good sources of dietary CIS w=3 fats; unrefined Flax seed oil, Hemp seed oil and several others are good concentrated vegetable sources of CIS w=3 oils (which makes our corporate food system a dictatorship since the big chain grocery stores have summarily removed most of these healthy oils from the shelves).

Saturated fats are characterized by having all of the possible molecular locations for a Hydrogen bond filled. Thus, at the molecular level, there is no molecular difference between a saturated vegetable fat or a saturated animal fat of the same chain length. There also is no molecular difference between a natural and an artificial saturated fat of the same chain length. Configuration is not an issue because when all of the bonds are filled there is only one configuration possible. As the length of the fatty acid chain lengthens the melting point of the fat increases. Thus fats which are solid at room temperature have longer chain lengths than fats which are liquid at room temperatures. Our bodies can readily process short and medium chain fats; but, it processes longer chain fats with greater difficulty.

However, with animal sources, vegetable sources and even with artificially made dietary sources, single individual fat molecules are never found. We must always deal with mixtures of many different fat and oil molecules in the fats and oils that we consume. All naturally occuring fats and oils are mixtures of long and short chain saturated fats and mixtures of mono and poly unsaturated fats of the CIS configuration. Naturally occuring trans-isomers are relatively rare and do not occur in sufficient abundance to create a health hazard. However if fats and oils are refined, heated or Hydrogenated, the mixtures are then made to also include a huge thermodynamic distribution of highly toxic isomers, including the notorious trans-isomer, along with partially destroyed molecular fragments, and other toxic products. (Food products are beginning to be labelled "No Trans Fat!" but we still need to question the possible presence of other toxic substances: Examine the ingredients and ask the manufacturer about suspected oils.)

All fats and oils differ from each other in the length of the Carbon-Hydrogen chain; however, unsaturated fats and oils also differ from each other, and from saturated fats, in that they have one or more vacant Hydrogen sites along their chain. These unfilled Hydrogen binding sites give the unsaturated fats and oils a variety of geometries at the molecular level. Some of these geometries, notably the "CIS" geometries that occur naturally in nature and are designed so that our metabolism can readily handle them, in fact, it needs them. Certain CIS type unsaturated oils, the w=3's, directly constitute an important building block in all of the sixty seven or so trillion cells in our body, and they cannot be obtained by our body except from our food supply. In addition, our enzyme systems use unsaturated fats as building blocks to construct a wide variety of needed biochemicals.

Short and medium chain length saturated animal fats are a very nutritious food staple and have been for thousands of years. They provide nine calories per gram and are "good keepers"; in the days before refrigeration, this "keeping" quality was very important. It meant that the fat would not spoil or go rancid easily at room temperature. Our body uses saturated fats as a highly concentrated energy source when carbohydrates not plentiful. Much of the disease we experience today is the result of a failure of our systems to properly and safely metabolize fats and oils (e.g. diabetes). Rather than use them for the highly concentrated energy source that they are, our body uses them in cell repair because the CIS w=3's are not in our diet. This is now identified as a major factor in Hyperinsulinemia.

what ratio of cholesterol does the liver make?

cholesterolCholesterol is a fatty substance that is manufactured by our liver. It is an extremely important building block for many of our vital functions including our brains, eyes, nervous systems and sexual apparatus (both varieties). About 85% of the Cholesterol circulating in our bodies is made by the liver. We have a Cholesterol control mechanism in our bodies that operates to stabilize Cholesterol at the circulating level that we find. Cholesterol is also contained in some of the foods that we eat. If we try to reduce our circulating Cholesterol by excluding high Cholesterol foods from our diet, our liver simply makes more Cholesterol in an attempt to maintain a homeostasis (normal level) of Cholesterol in our blood stream. Controlling circulating Cholesterol through diet is like trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon; it sounds like a good pop science theory but it is really not very effective.

Here are important questions we need to ask about cholesterol before we jump on another health trend band wagon:

As we shall see elsewhere in this website and in our special report Insulin: Our Silent Killer the best way to reduce Cholesterol levels to normal is to cure the underlying Hyperinsulinemia. This entails repairing the Automatic Cholesterol Control System which regulates our Cholesterol homeostasis. This repair process requires stabilizing our blood Insulin and Glucose levels and restoring our entire endocrine system to proper balance. This follows automatically when we stop consuming dangerous, damaged fats and oils and restore other needed nutrition to our diet.

Cholesterol, being a fat, does not dissolve in the blood stream which is mostly water. In order to be transported around in the blood, it must be carried by a Lipoprotein carrier which has an affinity for water. When it is being carried from the liver to the rest of the body, the Lipoprotein involved is LDL (low density Lipoprotein). When Cholesterol is being carried from the body back to the liver for recycling, the carrier is HDL (high density Lipoprotein). Thus LDL which distributes Cholesterol throughout the body came to be known as the "bad" Cholesterol and HDL which removes it from circulation came to be known as the "good" Cholesterol. Hyperinsulinemia is characterized by a reduction in the HDL fraction and an increase in the LDL fraction. Clearly this sort of phony science that characterizes one essential Lipoprotein as "good" and another as "bad" is the sort that comes from marketing and sales departments; certainly it does not originate in reputable scientific laboratories.

Besides being a most important building block in many of our bodily functions, Cholesterol is one of the important components of the plaque that occludes our arteries. It is for this reason that it has attracted notice. Our diseased state is due to the fact that the normal levels of circulating Cholesterol have been elevated by Hyperinsulinemia. In fact, this elevated level of Cholesterol is often one of the early warning signs that we are becoming Hyperinsulinemic. An appropriate way to reduce Cholesterol is to cure the underlying Hyperinsulinemia.

With the advent of artificial fats and oils and Hydrogenated and Refined products in the 1920's (see history), the CIS type w=3 unsaturated oils started to disappear from our dietary food chain and were replaced by a large number of toxic isomers. These toxic isomers are just different geometries of the unsaturated oil molecules many of which were, before processing, of the CIS type. Long term consumption of some of these toxic isomers, notably the trans-isomer, has been identified with many, if not most, of the chronic disease symptoms discussed on this home page. Of even greater importance, the complete removal of some of the CIS type w=3 oils from our diet has been found to be causal in many of our widespread degenerative diseases including Hyperinsulinemia.

Some of the biochemical effects of these toxic isomers are discussed on the diabetes page.

Trans vs. CIS Fatty Acids: `fatty acids with trans bonds are carcinogenic, or cancer-causing...`Much of this came about because of standardized refining processes that were introduced into the oils manufacturing business. The new rapid high temperature extraction techniques, introduced in the 1920's lowered the retail price of oil, gave it a pure pristine appearance when packaged in a transparent bottle, gave it a uniform clarity, gave it an almost uniform taste, and destroyed the CIS w=3 fatty acids that rapidly spoiled at room temperature. It is the high temperatures used in the refining process that ruins even previously good oils. If we find a good oil and refrigerate it, it is still easy to destroy its nutritional qualities when we cook with it by heating it to the point where it smokes. When delicate CIS w=3 oils are over heated, either in cooking or refining, the oil undergoes irreversible changes; the CIS configuration is destroyed and many toxic isomers are generated, including the notorious trans-isomer. All of the antioxidents, previously a part of the unrefined oil are destroyed. Much of the oil's original flavor is lost and it tastes like a generic oil.

When cooking with fats and oils it is important to do so in a manner that does not destroy them. Use only butter, Coconut oil and animal fat for cooking. These contain a higher proportion of saturated fat and thus are not destroyed as easily at cooking temperatures. Never consume any deep fried foods; they are all universally soaked with toxic isomers (Use that deep fryer for boiling and steaming). If you cook with an oil like olive oil, be sure to mix some water with it to prevent the oil from getting too hot. Remember that if the oil starts to smoke it is too hot and it is being destroyed.

To cure Hyperinsulinemia, Type II Diabetes, Syndrome X and many other consequential diseases that stem from poisonous fats and oils, it is important to realize that the chronic ingestion of Refined and Hydrogenated fats and oils is implicated as a causal agent in these diseases. Margarine, artificial shortenings, refined oils and all Hydrogenated edible products are long term toxic to the human metabolism (the longer the shelf life, the shorter the human life). Any unsaturated fat or oil that does not need constant refrigeration should be considered inedible. Many saturated fats and oils, while also benefiting from refrigeration, do not turn rancid nearly so easily as CIS w=3 type unsaturated fats and oils at room temperature.

An important consideration about these edible oils is a widespread fraudulent advertising technique that enables the oils manufacturer to sell known toxic oils to the unsuspecting public without breaking the law (in the same way fluoride is marketed by "approval" of certain government "health" agencies). Many refined vegetable oils are advertised as mono unsaturated or as polyunsaturated in order to confuse the purchaser. Indeed, if these oils were the CIS isomer, they would be desirable oils from a health standpoint. However, CIS type w=3 oils are inherently unstable and will go rancid quite rapidly in a transparent bottle on a room temperature grocery store shelf; their shelf life is on the order of ten hours or sometimes less (like milk or eggs). The trans-isomer of these oils has a much longer room temperature shelf life. There is no law to require the oils manufacturer, or the store, to advise the consumer that these "monounsaturates" and "polyunsaturates" are trans-isomers and other toxic byproducts that result from the destruction of the good edible oils that they think they are getting. Since no law exists to keep their claims honest, oils manufacturers feel free to deceive with dishonest claims that few consumers understand. In some circles this is not considered to be fraud. {Update: According to an official response from the American Diabetes Association standardized labeling of food products containing toxic isomers begins in 2006.}

In our discussion on Hyperinsulinemia we discuss more about the fat and oil issue and cover in detail ways we can protect ourselves from the consequences of the fraudulent advertising claims with which we are constantly bombarded. We also discuss how to reverse the degenerative process in the event we are involved with it.

More information is available in our hardcopy Special Report for those who have a compelling interest or who simply wish to know more about the health connection to our dietary fats and oils.


  1. Erasmus U PhD, "Fats that heal Fats that kill" ( ), Alive Books, 7436 Frazer Park Drive, Burnaby BC, Canada 1996
  2. Johnston JR PhD, Johnson IM CN, "Flaxseed (Linseed) oil and the power of omega-3," ( ) Keats publishing, Inc. New Canaan, Connecticut.
  3. Beck JS, "Biomembranes: Fundamentals in relation to human biology." NY, NY McGraw-Hill 1980
  4. Enig MG, "Trans fatty acids in the food supply: A comprehensive report covering 60 years of research.", Enig Associates, Inc. Silver Springs, MD 1993
  5. Okolska G et al, "[Current recommendations concerning the rational use of fats. II. Value of polyunsaturated fatty acids from the n=6 and n=3 groups and general recommendations]. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 1989;40(3):178-187

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