American Diabetes Association Official Response

About mid-August, 2004, I decided to contact the American Diabetes Association for a response in relation to the article, "Our Deadly Diabetes Deception:"

Subject:  the cure for diabetes


I'm interested in knowing why you do not provide technical
information to your readers on WHY the pancreas would not 
"produce enough insulin" or WHY "the cells ignore the insulin."

Why do you not explain how trans fatty acids have been 
damaging the glucose transport system of the American 
Republic for decades?  Why do you not explain how the 
industrialization of cooking oil extraction such as high-heat
and chemical extraction produces oils with toxic isomers 
which are commonly found on supermarket shelves?

Why don't you explain to people how replacing the toxic 
isomers in their diets with cis type 3 fatty acids can 
help repair their glucose transport systems?

Please examine the empirical data and clinical studies found

and explain to me how trying to cure non insulin dependent 
type II diabetes mellitus using natural food products is wrong.

Please explain how making the drug companies richer by the
BILLIONS each day with debilitating drug treatment on people 
suffering from Diabetes is scientifically, morally, and 
ethically right.

Thank you for your time.

The following in italics is the official response of the American Diabetes Association. I don't like to seem vindictive, but I have picked apart every idea contrary to logic as put forth by their representative in this email. (Once again you may double click any word on this page to bring up a life science dictionary and, hopefully, a definition.) My analysis is in purple text:

Dear Randolph:

Thank you for contacting your American Diabetes Association. We received your email, requesting information on diabetes.

The reason why we do not provide technical information on diabetes is because we do not have any health care professionals on our staff that can provide you with scientific information. We would suggest that you consult with your physician, if you had a specific/medical inquiry and/or concern. However, we do have general information on diabetes that we are more than happy to provide to you.

This information was a surprise to me in that One might think that the American Diabetes Association, a health organization which many diabetics seek for advice, would have some sort of health care professional on staff. One should also ask, "What kind of staff do you have?" because diabetics are looking to the ADA for educated information on their debility. In all fairness, the ADA does provide general technical information which was lifted from medical doctors (I think) as far as understanding nutritional and supplemental requirements for diabetics.

As far as "consulting my physician" my personal experience with physicians, about 15 to 20 of them in three different areas, is that they are like the police: They don't like sharing information unless they deem it absolutely necessary - even to their own detriment. I don't know if it's a pompous attitude or an assembly line mentality because they have so many patients. Of course, this attitude among medical professionals is more prevalent among HMO clinics where government subsidies and HMO insurance apply whereas a personal doctor or alternative health care professional DOES usually like to take the time to go into detail about a disease with their patient. Afterall, they are getting paid big money up front for their time, but how many people have that kind of money?

No one knows for sure why people get type 1 diabetes. Some people are born with genes that make them more likely to get it. But many other people with those same genes do not get diabetes. Something else inside or outside the body triggers the disease. Experts don't know what that something is yet. But they are trying to find out. Most people with Type 1 diabetes have high levels of autoantibodies in their blood sometime before they are first diagnosed with the disease. Antibodies are proteins your body makes to destroy bacteria or viruses. Autoantibodies are antibodies that have "gone bad". They attack your body's own tissues. In these people who get type 1 diabetes, autoantibodies may attack insulin or the cells that make insulin.

Type 1 diabetes (formally known as IDDM, Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) is characterized by destruction of the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency - a total failure to produce insulin. It has two forms.

Immune-Mediate Diabetes Mellitus results from an autoimmune destruction of the beta cells (the body's immune system, for some unknown reason, destroys its own cells). It typically starts in children or young adults who are slim, but it can arise at any age.

Idiopathic type 1 refers to rare forms of the disease that have no known cause.

Altogether, type 1 afflicts about 700,000 Americans.

Experts don't know for sure what causes Type 2 diabetes. They do know that you cannot catch it from someone else, like the flu. They also know it is not caused by eating too much sugar. It does run in families. If other members of your family have type 2 diabetes, you are more likely to get it. But it usually takes something else to bring on the disease. For many people with diabetes, being overweight brings it on. When you are overweight, your body has a harder time using the insulin that it makes. This is called insulin resistance. In insulin resistance, your pancreas keeps making insulin to lower blood glucose, but your body does not respond to the insulin as it should. After years of this, your pancreas may just burn out.

What "Experts" are you referring to? At "Our Deadly Diabetes Deception" I refer to many doctors and scientists with clinical evidence of what is causing type 2 diabetes, enough evidence that the FDA has been forced into legally setting a standard for labeling food products containing trans-fatty acids by 2006. As for your "Experts" comparing type 2 diabetes to the flu - they clearly depend on a dumb founded public that willingly accepts the voice of "authority."

Your "Experts" "know" that type 2 diabetes is not caused by sugar, but it runs in families, but something else brings it on... OH BROTHER! ME AM SHTUPID! ME BELIEVE EVERYTING YOU SHAY! ME VOTE FOR YOU!

I'm sorry, but this banal response from the ADA tells me that they don't want people to be educated about the most likely causes of the disease. The ADA excludes external factors, thus, shifting the blame to overweight people for bringing it on themselves. Why don't you explain why an overweight body has "a harder time using the insulin that it makes" - and what kind of diet has caused a plague of overweight people in America? Please also explain how a pancreas can "burn out?" Oh yes. I forgot. You have no medical specialist on staff. So, where do you get the authority to provide these half-assed explanations of what is causing type 2 diabetes to the public?

Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent diabetes) is a disease that affects the way your body uses food. Type 2 used to be called maturity-onset diabetes because most people who get it are over 30. It is the most common type of diabetes. Nine out of ten cases of diabetes are type 2. Most of the people who get type 2 diabetes are overweight.

When you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make enough insulin. Or, your body still makes insulin but can't use it. Without enough insulin, your body cannot move blood sugar into the cells. Sugar builds up in the bloodstream.

For a few more details on the history of type 2 diabetes please refer to the section Diabetes History within "Our Deadly Diabetes Deception". You will find out quickly enough that people with type 2 diabetes DO make enough insulin, but is rendered ineffective because of an ineffective glucose transport mechanism at the cellular level - a glucose transport mechanism rendered ineffective because of toxic isomers in the American diet, trans fatty acids of which are the most deadly - toxic isomers which are widely available in every major supermarket and grocery retail chain that will have already done irreparable damage to the American Public by the time the FDA comes through with their standardized labeling by 2006. By then, the American Public at large will STILL NOT be educated on the dangers of toxic isomers, therefore, the labeling is for naught.

When we examine the history of diabetes for ourselves we can imagine how something like mononucleosis could have been labeled "syphilis type 2" or AIDS could have been labeled "lupus type 2" since the symptoms between these diseases are somewhat simular. Instead, "diabetes type 2" has been chosen as the disease of easy proliferation.

Trans fats are formed during a process called hydrogenation, which converts a relatively healthy, unsaturated liquid fat -- like corn oil or soybean oil-- into a solid one. This gives the fat longer shelf life, so it's convenient for restaurants and food manufacturers.

For a slightly better education on trans-fatty acids, please refer to the section Fats and Oils within "Our Deadly Diabetes Deception". You will see that anyone can make toxic isomers just by burning their cooking oil. The oil industry quickly extracts cooking oil through heat and chemical processing - because these methods are cheap and cost effective - for the oil industry. Decades of advertising have brainwashed Americans into thinking that a clear, tasteless oil in aethetic packaging is the "smart" thing to buy. In fact, that cooking oil is just slightly less toxic than the motor oil you put in your car.

Unfortunately, it doesn't stop at your cooking oil. Check the ingredients in all your favourite "prepared" foods like salad dressings, breads, and other ready made foods; it is most likely that an oil containing toxic isomers such as hydrogenated soy, cottonseed, or canola has been used in its preparation.

The plants which are the source of these oils did NOT start hazardous levels of toxic isomers such as trans-fatty acids; they are hazardous after the super efficient oil industry "refines" them. You can make your own toxic isomers too no matter how healthy the oil is in the beginning: You simply have to burn it!

The problem: The body treats hydrogenated fat more like saturated fat, like butter or animal fat. Saturated fat has long been known to clog arteries --and some studies indicate trans fat may be a bit more evil. But on food labels, trans fatty acids are not included under "saturated fat."

To help consumers, the Food and Drug Administration is requiring that all food labels list trans fats by January 1, 2006. Until then, how can you know which foods are safe and which contain these stealth fats?

#1. Limit or avoid both saturated and trans fats types of fat. There's no magic number to shoot for here, no "X" grams of trans fatty acids allowed in your daily diet, Moore tells WebMD. Just realize that the more fast food and packaged food you eat, the more trans fats you are getting in your diet.

#2. Use nutrition labels to estimate the trans fat content in a product. Add up the saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat. If they are less than the "total fat" number, the remainder is likely trans fat, says Moore.

#3. Remember: Reduced-fat and fat-free foods will have virtually no trans fat in them.

#4. Look for the term "partially hydrogenated oil" on the package ingredients list. If partially hydrogenated oil is first on the list - the product may contain trans fat.

The ADA neglects to mention that the body utilizes other fats in cell repair in the absence of healthy, CIS type W=3 fatty acids. The living body prefers the geometry of Certain CIS type unsaturated oils, the w=3's, which directly constitute an important building block in all of the tens of trillions of cells in our body. CIS type W=3 fatty acids cannot be obtained by our body except from our food supply. In addition, our enzyme systems use unsaturated fats as building blocks to construct a wide variety of needed biochemicals, BUT, in the absence of the healthy fats the living body utilizes whatever fat is available even if it is TOXIC; THIS IS WHAT HINDERS THE GLUCOSE TRANSPORT SYSTEM AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL, THUS, LEADING TO TYPE II DIABETES...

The American Diabetes Association does not recommend or endorse any particular companies or products. As a service, we are providing this information to you. For more information, in regards to this matter please contact:

Food & Drug Administration

The ADA is leaving the job of recommending and endorsing particular companies and products to the FDA, which works for the drug companies and other diabetic supply manufacturers.

Fatty acids are a basic unit of fats. When insulin levels are too low or there is not enough glucose (sugar) to use for energy, the body burns fatty acids for energy. The body then makes ketone bodies, waste products that cause the acid level in the blood to become too high. This in turn may lead to ketoacidosis, a serious problem.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a danger mainly restricted to type 1 diabetics. Type 2 diabetics usually have the correct levels of insulin (unless their pancreas "burned out") and are usually hyperglycemic; it's also very unlikely that the average American diet lacks carbohydrates, which the body prefers for energy. Ketoacidosis is a real danger, but it's not the cause of the real danger. Never allow the "voice of authority" to scare you into a submissive drug addiction to "control" your diabetes.

To veiw our Position Statement on "Nutrition Principles and Recommendations in Diabetes", please click on the following url:

Search result of on fatty acids

Unfortunately, we do not have any comments on any publications - other than our own. If you have any question(s) and/or concern(s), in regards to information on a web site - you would need to contact the WebMaster of that specific site.

In other words, the ADA does not consider emperical data or clinical evidence from other sources not "officially" sanctioned by the ADA.

In the meantime, we are sending a diabetes information packet, along with our Annual Report, to you. Please allow 5 to 7 business days for delivery.

If you have further questions and/or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us @ 1-800-DIABETES (342-2383), or visit our website at

Marilyn Nguyen
E-mail Specialist
703-549-6995 Fax

Whether you're looking for diabetes news updates, book information or ways to get involved, the American Diabetes Association has an e-newsletter that's right for you. Click on the link below to sign up for yours today!

I received their literature package a week after their email. On the face of this large envelope is the phrase, "Mission: To prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes." Interesting. The ADA used the word "cure" while most medical doctors say there is "no cure" for diabetes.

Unfortunately, that statement on the outside was no reflection of the literature contained. The part of the literature that was not sponsored by a diabetic foods manufacturer said never to trust old information. Yet, the ADA provides a nutritional table that says to substitute margarine for butter. Guess What? Years ago, clinical research already proved that margarine causes diabetes and promotes heart failure.

American Diabetic Association Chokes on its Own Double-Talk (

American Double-Talk Association

It's no secret the drug companies have Congress in the palm of their hand, spending more than $750 million on lobbying--more than any other special-interest group. Yet these handouts from various groups in corporate America, aimed at justifying a point of view that can severely devastate the public's health, extend farther than Congress ...

For instance, the recent $1 million alliance between the American Diabetic Association (ADA) and Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages to support the association in its efforts to fight obesity and diabetes in America is a prime example. Though, when push came to shove, the ADA fumbled on its own words in a discussion between Dr. Richard Kahn, the ADA's chief scientific and medical officer, and the Corporate Crime Reporter (CCR).

Getting to the Bottom of It

While the exchange between Kahn and the CCR was certainly intriguing--shedding light on why the ADA accepts money from big corporate donors--one particular bout in the conversation was worth addressing:

CCR: Would you take money from the sugar industry?


CCR: If there were no strings attached?

KAHN: If there were absolutely no strings attached and they couldn't announce that they were doing it, and they are not putting our name and logo on something, you would have to say yes. I'm giving you all of the qualifications.

CCR: What about if they were allowed to put out a press release saying -- we're giving $2 million to the American Diabetes Association, but they can't use the logo?

KAHN: Let's not take hypotheticals. You could say -- would you take $2 million from the gun lobby?

CCR: But guns don't have anything to do with diabetes. Sugar does have something to do with diabetes.

KAHN: What?

What is the evidence that sugar itself has anything to do with diabetes? There is no evidence.

CCR: There is no evidence that sugar has anything to do with diabetes?

KAHN: None. There is not a shred of evidence that sugar per se has anything to do with getting diabetes.

Later in the interview, the CCR again addresses the sugar issue, saying:

CCR: Let's go over this again. If the sugar industry came to you and said -- here is two million dollars, no strings attached, you would take that money?

KAHN: Not the pure sugar industry. If they are selling bags of sugar, that doesn't satisfy our food guidelines.

CCR: They are not going to put the ADA label on anything.

KAHN: They are going to promote the fact that they gave us money.

In the Cadbury case, we have only allowed them to associate their name and ours with diet colas. We think it will be much easier to move the country away from other foods into foods with reduced calories than it will be to just simply to ban the stuff people want and won't give up. They want it with a passion.

Finally, when the CCR hits a core point about diet drinks and artificial sweeteners, the response is, to say the least, shocking:

CCR: You are pushing diet drinks. Some people say that some artificial sweeteners are unsafe.

What's your take?

KAHN: I don't think that there is any artificial sweetener on the market that has been shown to be unsafe.

It appears the sad reality, based on the interview, is that even some of the most well-known health organizations in the world are clueless about promoting good health when it comes to protecting their donors.

Corporate Crime Reporter May 16, 2005 (Free Full-Text Article)

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

I highlighted the statements by the chief scientific and medical officer for the American Diabetes Association (ADA), and I could NOT believe what I was reading.

The ADA chief medical officer simply does not believe that sugar OR artificial sweeteners have anything to do with diabetes. This can only mean one thing in my view--that this person has sacrificed his integrity for some type of payment.

Nearly everyone reading this newsletter understands the relationship between sugar and diabetes. In fact, my guess is that nearly anyone who has finished fifth grade has this base understanding.

Most of you understand the role insulin and leptin play in sugar metabolism.

If the ADA chief is not on the take, then his delusional ineptitude is quite remarkable indeed. I am still stunned and find it incredibly hard to believe that any physician would state this in public. These types of grossly misleading statements by a supposed expert should be grounds for civil and criminal penalties.

It is this type of moronic nonsense that is contributing to the epidemics of diabetes and obesity that this country is facing. The ADA is not doing one shred of good by promoting this type of misinformation.

If you ever see any request for donations for the ADA, please wake up and inform your friends and family, as with these types of statements and behavior they are actually worsening the plight of diabetics--not improving it.

Related Articles:

The Diabetes Conundrum: What Physicians are Teaching You may be Killing You

The ADA Now Says It is OK For Diabetics To Have Sugar

Counting the Many Ways Sugar Harms Your Health

What the Bleep Do We Know!?