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{The laws of nature do Not change from year to year, so please don't worry about these references being outdated.}


Please look for the following periodicals at the medical library of your nearest university if you cannot find them at Barnes and Noble

H. Trendley Dean , "Endemic Fluorosis and Its Relation to Dental Caries", Public Health Reports, Volume 53, pp. 1443-1452 (1938).

H. Trendley Dean, "Domestic Water and Dental Caries", Public Health Reports, Volume 57, pp. 1155-1179 (1942).

Fred Losee and Basel Bibby, "Carries Inhibition by Trace Elements Other than Fluoride", New York State Dental Journal, Volume 36, pp. 15-19 (1970).

T.G. Ludwig, et al., "Relationship of Concentration of Eleven Elements in Public Water Supplies to Caries Prevalence in American Schoolchildren", Australian Dental Journal, Volume 15, pp. 126-132 (1970).

Eugene Zimmerman, "Oral Aspects of Excessive Fluorides in a Water Supply", Journal of the American Dental Association, Volume 50, pp. 272-277 (1955).

David Galagan, "Climate and Controlled Fluoridation", Journal of the American Dental Association, volume 47, pp. 159-170 (1953)

Yoshitsugu Imai, "Relation Between Fluoride Concentration in Drinking Water and Dental Caries in Japan", Koku Eisei Gakkai Zasshi, Volume 22, No. 2, pp. 144-196 (1972)

Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, 96th congress, Second Session Subcommittee on Labor-HEW, pp. 1089-1096 (April 18, 1980). 

Personal Communications from J. Rogers, Chief Dental Officer, British Ministry of Health to John Yiamouyiannis, December 11, 1980.

H. Trendley Dean, et al., "Studies on Mass Control of Dental Caries Through Fluoridation of the Public Water Supply", Public Health Reports, Volume 65, pp. 1403-1408 (1950).

 "The Conduct of the Fluoridation Studies in the United Kingdom and the Results Achieved after Five Years", Reports on Public Health and Medical Subjects No. 105, British Ministry of Health London, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1962, 50 pp.

"The Fluoridation Studies in the United Kingdom and the Results achieved after Eleven Years", Reports on Public Health and Medical Subjects No. 122, Department of Health and Social Security, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1969, 45pp.

J. Colquhoun, "Influence of Social Class and Fluoridation on Child Dental Health", Community Dent Oral Epidemiology, Volume 13, pp. 37-41 (1985).

 J. Colquhoun, "Child Dental Health Diffenences in New Zealand", Community Health Studies, Volume 11, pp. 85-90 (1987).

J. Colquhoun, "Fluoridation: Time for Reassessment", Submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy of the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly, Feb. 6, 1990.

J.A. Yiamouyiannis, "Water Fluoridation and Tooth Decay:  Results from the 1986-1987 National Survey of U.S. Schoolchildren", Fluoride 1990; 23; 55-67.

R.M. Bell, et al., "Results of baseline dental exams in the national preventive dentistry demonstration program". R-2862-RWJ. Santa Monica, CA, Rand Corporation, 1982.

A.S. Gray, "Fluoridation: Time for a New Baseline?" Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, Volume 53, pp. 763-765 (1987).

J.V. Kumar, et al., "Trends in Dental Fluorosis and Dental Caries Prevalences in Newburgh and Kingston, NY", American Journal of Public Health , Volume 79, pp. 565-569 (1989).

C.F. Hildebolt, et al., "Caries Prevalences among Geochemical Regions of Missouri", American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Volume 78, pp. 79-92, (1989).

 R.L. Glass, "Secular Changes in Caries Prevalence in Two Massachusetts Towns", Caries Research, Volume 15, pp. 445-450 (1981).

T.M. McEniery and G.N. Davies, "Brisbane Dental Survey, 1977, A Comparative Study of Caries Experience of Children in Brisbance, Australia over a 20 Year Period", Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Volume 7, pp. 42-50 (1979).

P.B.V. Hunter, "The Prevalence of Dental Caries in 5 year old New Zealand Children", New Zealand Dental Journal, Volume 75, pp. 154-157 (1979).

The Report of a Workshop on the Changes of Dental Caries Prevalence, British Association for the study of Community Health, 1981.

S.S. Krylov and K. Pemrolyd, "Decciduous tooth eruption and fluorosis in the case of increased fluorine content in the drinking water", Stomatologiia, (Most) Volume 61, pp. 75-77 (1982).

H.H. Neumann and N.A. DiSalvo, "Caries in the Otomi Indians of Mexico", New York State Dental Journal, Volume 24, pp. 63-68 (1956).

Kurt Rosenzweig, "Dentition of Bedouins in Israel: I. Epidemiology", Journal of Dental Research, Volume 47, No. 3, pp. 407-410 (1968).

A. Sheiham, "The Prevalence of Dental Caries in Nigerian Populations", British Dental Journal , Volume 123, pp. 144-148 (1967).

H.J. Mosha et al., "Changes in dental caries experience of 12 year olds in low fluoride urban and rural areas of Tanzania", East Afr Med J. , Volume 68, pp. 963-968 (1991).

D. Gaare, et al, "A Cross-Sectional Study of DMFT and CPITN scores in a group of Indonnesian Soldiers", Scandanavian Journal of Dental Research, Volume 97, pp. 20-24 (1989).

T. Tijmstra, et al., "Effect of Socioeconomic Factors on the Observed Caries Reduction After Fluoride Tablet and Fluoride Toothpaste Consumption", Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology , Volume 6, pp. 227-230 (1978).

B.C. Stecksen, et al., "Dental Caries in Swedish 4 year old Children.  Changes between 1967 and 1987", Swedish Dental Journal, Volume 13, pp. 39-44 (1989).

A.J. Conti, et al., "A 3 Year Clinical Trial to Compare Efficacy of Dentifrices Containing 1.14% and 0.76% Sodium Monofluorophosphate", Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemilogy, Volume 16, pp. 135-138 (1988).

K.H. Lu, et al., "A 3 Year Clinical comparison of a Sodium Monofluorophosphate Dentifrice with Sodium Fluoride Dentifrices in Children", ASDC J Dent Child., Volume 54, pp. 241-244 (1987).

Goran Koch, et al., "Effect of 250 and 1000 ppm Fluoride Dentifrice on Caries", Swedish Dental Journal, Volume 6, pp. 233-238 (1982).

T. Cutress, et al., "Caries preventive effect of high fluoride and xylitol containing dentifrices", ASDC J Dent Child., Volume 59, pp. 313-318 (1992).

J.E. Moorhead, et al., "The effect of supervised brushing on caries inhibition in school age children", J. Clin. Dent, Volume 2, pp. 97-102 (1991).

J.R. Mellberg, et al., "A study of the ability of an in situ remineralization model to diferentiate between the effects of two fluoride dentifrices that produced significatly different clinical caries results", Journal of Dental Research, Volume 71, pp. 1169-1172 (1992).

Ola Haugejordan, et al., "An 11 year Follow Up Study of Dental Caries After Discontinuation of School-Based Fluoride Programs", Acta Odontol Scand, Volume 48, pp. 257-263 (1990).

J.A. Disney, et al., "Comparative Effects of a 4 year Mouthrinse Program on High and Low Caries Forming Grade 1 Children", Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Volume 17, pp. 46-56 (1989).

J.A. Disney, et al., "A Case Study in Testing the Conventional Wisdom: Schoo-Based Fluoride Mouthrinse Programs in the USA", Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Volume 18, pp. 46-56 (1990).

 "Preventing Tooth Decay: Results from a Four Year National Study", Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Special Report Number 2/1983, 18pp.

Anna-Karin Holm and Roland Anderson, "Enamel mineralization disturbance in children with known early exposure to fluorides", Community Dentistry and oral Epidemiology, Volume 10, pp. 335-339 (1982).

K.W. Stephen et al., "Incisor enamel mottling prevalence in child cohorts which had or had not taken fluoride supplements from 0-12 years of age", Proc Finn Dent Soc, Volume 87, pp. 595-605 (1991).

H. Kalsbeek, et al., "Dental fluorosis in relation to the use of fluoride tablets", Ned Tijdschr Tandleelkd, Volume 97, pp. 269-273 (1990).

 H. Kalsbeek, "Use of fluoride tablets and effect on prevalence of dental caries and dental fluorosis", Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Volume 20, pp. 241-245 (1992).

M.J. Larsen et al., "Dental fluorosis among participants in a non supervised fluoride tablet program", Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Volume 17, pp. 204-206 (1989).

Jan Widenheim, et al., "Preeruptive effect of sodium fluoride tablets on caries in children from twelve to seventeen years of age", Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Volume 14, pp. 1-4 (1986).

K.W. Stephen et al., "Combined Fluoride therapies.  A 6 year, double-blind school-based preventive dentistry study in Inverness Scotland", Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Volume 18, pp. 244-248 (1990).

J. Widenheim and D. Birkhed, "Caries preventive effect of Primary and permanent teeth and cost-effectiveness of an NaF (sodium fluoride) tablet preschool program", Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Volume 19, pp. 88-92 (1991).

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