Poison Resources for causing Genetic Defects, Mental Decadence, & Chronically Sick People

Poison Resources for causing Genetic Defects, Mental Decadence, & Chronically Sick People

Under Section 5194, Title 8, California Adm Code: You have the right to know The Properties and Potential Hazards of Materials to which You may be Exposed.

  1. Expert panel on Carcinogenic Chemicals
  2. What are current cancer statistics?
  3. How are We Affected by Toxins?
  4. Where are carcinogens hiding?
  5. What are the key toxins in personal care products?
  6. What Contaminants & Carcinogens are hiding in Vaccines? Vaccine Addendums
  7. How are U.S. Citizens affected by ionizing radiation?
  8. How are environmental toxins affecting Children?
  9. Updated: Our Deadly Diabetes Deception. Now Mobile Device Friendly.
  10. Comment on this Article

Expert panel: Carcinogenic chemicals in environment that threaten Americans

A report from the President's Cancer Panel (PCP) broke ranks with the sick-care cancer establishment and dared to say something that natural health advocates have been warning about for decades: That Americans are "bombarded" with cancer-causing chemicals and radiation, and if we hope to reduce cancer rates, we must eliminate cancer-causing chemicals in foods, medicines, personal care products and our work and home environments.

In a directive to President Obama, the report states, "The panel urges you most strongly to use the power of your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food, water, and air that needlessly increase healthcare costs, cripple our nation's productivity, and devastate American lives."

    The President's Cancer Panel is headed by:
  1. LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S., Chair
    Charles R. Drew Professor of Surgery
    Howard University College of Medicine
    Washington, DC 20059

  2. Margaret L. Kripke, Ph.D.
    Vivian L. Smith Chair and Professor Emerita
    The University of Texas
    M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
    Houston, TX 77030

These people deserve our support for having the courage to publish a report that challenges the status quo of the corrupt cancer industry. So if you wish, send them a thank-you for their work. May The Lord protect them on their righteous path.

The report is entitled, "REDUCING ENVIRONMENTAL CANCER RISK - What We Can Do Now"

Here are some of the highlights from the report:

What are current cancer statistics?

In 2009 alone, approximately 1.5 million American men, women, and children were diagnosed with cancer, and 562,000 died from the disease. Approximately 41 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, and about 21 percent will die from cancer. The incidence of some cancers, including some most common among children, is increasing for unexplained reasons. (The effects from the Deep Water Horizon Gulf Oil Disaster has yet to be factored into these statistics!)

The Panel was particularly concerned to find that the true burden of environmentally induced cancer has been grossly underestimated. With nearly 80,000 chemicals on the market in the United States, many of which are used by millions of Americans in their daily lives and are un- or understudied and largely unregulated, exposure to potential environmental carcinogens is widespread. One such ubiquitous chemical, bisphenol A (BPA), is still found in many consumer products and remains unregulated in the United States, despite the growing link between BPA and several diseases, including various cancers.

However, the grievous harm from this group of carcinogens has not been addressed adequately by the National Cancer Program. The American people -- even before they are born -- are bombarded continually with myriad combinations of these dangerous exposures.

Some scientists maintain that current toxicity testing and exposure limit-setting methods fail to accurately represent the nature of human exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. Current toxicity testing relies heavily on animal studies that utilize doses substantially higher than those likely to be encountered by humans. These data -- and the exposure limits extrapolated from them -- fail to take into account harmful effects that may occur only at very low doses.

How are We Affected by Toxins?

Only a few hundred of the more than 80,000 chemicals in use in the United States have been tested for safety.

While all Americans now carry many foreign chemicals in their bodies, women often have higher levels of many toxic and hormone-disrupting substances than do men. Some of these chemicals have been found in maternal blood, placental tissue, and breast milk samples from pregnant women and mothers who recently gave birth. Thus, chemical contaminants are being passed on to the next generation, both prenatally and during breastfeeding.

The entire U.S. population is exposed on a daily basis to numerous agricultural chemicals, some of which also are used in residential and commercial landscaping. Many of these chemicals have known or suspected carcinogenic or endocrine-disrupting properties. Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides) approved for use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) contain nearly 900 active ingredients, many of which are toxic.

Many of the solvents, fillers, and other chemicals listed as inert ingredients on pesticide labels also are toxic, but are not required to be tested for their potential to cause chronic diseases such as cancer. In addition to pesticides, agricultural fertilizers and veterinary (and human) pharmaceuticals are major contributors to water pollution, both directly and as a result of chemical processes that form toxic by-products when these substances enter the water supply; these activities do not include artificial fluoridation illegally prescribed by our local governments into our drinking water.

Where are carcinogens hiding?

Since the majority of this is non dietary, it should be a separate thread. Please add to it, if you know of one not listed.

LIST OF CARCINOGENS (Revised & Detailed List):

Do your products contain any of these carcinogens, cancer-causing agents, toxins, irritants, contaminants or potentially harmful ingredients?

Mouthwashes: Alcohol, Isopropyl Alcohol, Flavoring, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Feminine Products & Color Cosmetics: Talc, Toluene

Nail Polish: Toluene

Toothpastes: Fluoride, Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), aluminium oxide

Shampoos: Diethanolamine (DEA or TEA), Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Benzyl/Benzene

Conditioners: Diethanolamine (DEA or TEA) Propylene Glycol

Bubble Bath: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Benzoic/Benzyl, Diethanolamine (DEA or TEA)

Shaving Gels/Creams: Diethanolamine (DEA or TEA), Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)

Deodorants: Aluminum, Butane, Propane, Propylene Glycol, Talc

Shower Bars/Gels: Bentoic/Benzyl, Diethanolamine (DEA or TEA), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)... Consistent use of SLS and SLES has been associated with formation of cataracts and other types of inflammation of mucous membranes.

What are the key toxins in personal care products?

Alcohol: implicated in mouth, tongue, and throat cancers. A colorless, volatile, flammable liquid produced by the fermentation of yeast and carbohydrates. Alcohol is used frequently as a solvent and is also found in beverages and medicine. As an ingredient in ingestible products, alcohol may cause body tissues to be more vulnerable to carcinogens. Mouthwashes with an alcohol content of 25% or more have been implicated in oral cancers.

Consumer Alert-Isopropyl Alcohol
by Marj Melchiors, Arizona Networking News June/July 2000 issue

In the past few years, the alternative health community has become aware of the toxicity of isopropyl alcohol and other solvents used in body care products. This information was brought to our attention by books written by Dr Hulda Clark (The Cure For All Diseases).

Dr. Clark's theory is that isopropyl alcohol destroys the tough shell surrounding the intestinal fluke (flora), and allows parasites to migrate into the liver, prostrate, and uterus. In Dr. Clark's opinion, this can be devastating to the vital organs and predispose one to cancer and other illnesses.

There has been clinical research conducted by Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, MD PhD. He has found that Dr. Clarks' parasite/solvent theory to be valid. Dr. Klinghardt and staff found that after observing and testing hundreds of patients detoxing from isopropyl alcohol chemicals, the greatest injury occurs not to the parasite egg membrane but to the patient's own cell and nerve membranes. 1

Isopropyl alcohol is lipophilic. In other words, it is attracted to the lipid layer surrounding the cells and nerves. It interferes with the messenger proteins that send information to the cells. The lipid fluids cannot line up properly in the presence of these chemicals and can in turn cause neurological effects and damage to the cells.

Dr. Klinghardt concluded that isopropyl alcohol has caused such symptoms as nausea, mental confusion, coma, and death through ingestion, inhalation, and skin absorption. (Presumably, it is also contraindicated during surgery.) One may wonder why these harmful chemicals are even used in so many products. The main reason is that they have antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, solvent and skin penetration qualities.2

The second reason for their widespread use is that they are by-products of the petroleum industry. In other words, oil companies are getting paid for their waste products the same way agricultural chemical and weapons manufacturers get paid for their waste products.

There are safe alternatives to using isopropyl alcohol and its components in body care products. Be a wise shopper and only buy products that are free of harmful isopropyl chemicals. Avoid products with words such as propyl, methyl, butyl, benzene, toluene, xylene, and styrene in their ingredient listing. These would signify that they are in the isopropyl alcohol family.

The following is a chart of common alcohol solvents and what products wherein they are commonly used.

    Type of Alcohol/Use:
  1. Butanol - safety glass, hat and textile industry, shoes, cosmetics
  2. Ethanol - antibacterial agent in mouthwash, nail polish, astringents, perfumes, cosmetics
  3. Isopropanol - rubbing alcohol, paint thinner, antifreeze, medications, makeup, shampoo, lotions
  4. Methanol - antifreeze, cosmetics, soft drinks, infant formula

Alpha Hydroxy Acid: skin irritant. An organic acid produced by anaerobic respiration. Skin care products containing AHA exfoliate not only dead skin cells, but the skin`s protective barrier as well. Long-term skin damage may result from its use.

Aluminum: skin irritant. Has been linked to Alzheimers disease. Very commonly found in antiperspirants; it's used to clog your underarm pores, so you don't sweat... not a good thing to do! The leading cause of breast cancer is the use of antiperspirant, and brassieres. A Concentration of toxins that leads to cell mutations (a.k.a. CANCER.)

Yes, ANTIPERSPIRANT. (Lymph nodes throughout the body collect bodily waste products which are disposed through the renal system and sweat glands. The major lymph nodes underneath the armpits are called axillary lymph nodes; if the sweat glands are blocked, this can accumulate waste in your axillary lymph nodes with dire consequences to YOUR HEALTH.)

Most of the products out there are an antiperspirant/deodorant combination so go home and check your labels. Deodorant is fine, antiperspirant is not.

Aluminum is also used in shampoos and is the main ingredient in toothpaste that other poisons are added to; and in both products has less distance to travel to the brain to cause Alzheimers disease.

ANILINE: Related to both benzene and ammonia, it is used to make a wide variety of organic chemical compounds including pharmaceuticals, photographic chemicals, and dye intermediates.

Animal Fat (Tallow): A type of animal tissue made up of oily solids or semisolids that are water-insoluble esters of glycerol with fatty acids. Animal fats and lye are the chief ingredients in bar soap, a cleansing and emulsifying product that may act as a breeding ground for bacteria.

Aspartame: L-Aspartyl-l-phenylalanine methyl ester, 98%, aspartame CAS #22839-47-0 (a.k.a. Equal, NutraSweet, Spoonful, Benevia, Equal Measure, etc.) is composed of (at least) three things:

  1. ) Aspartic acid, (around 40%) CAS # 56-84-8
  2. ) Phenylalanine, (around 50%) CAS # 63-91-2
  3. ) Methanol (wood alcohol) (10%) CAS # 67-56-1
    A fairly complete list of aspartame breakdown components from the aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol is as follows:
  1. Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
  2. CAS # 50-00-0 CH2O Formic Acid (ant poison)
  3. CAS # 64-18-6 CH2O2 Beta Aspartame **
  4. Aspartylphenylalanine **
  5. Aspartylphenylalanine amide **
  6. Tyrosine CAS # 60-18-4 C9H11NO3 L-Dopa **
  7. Dopamine **
  8. Norepinephrine **
  9. Epinephrine **
  10. Phenylethylamine
  11. CAS # 64-04-0 Phenylpyruvate **
  12. Phenylactic acid **
  13. Phenylacetic acid
  14. CAS # 103-82-2 Diketopiperazine (DKP)
  15. CAS # 106-57-0

Aspartame was never and cannot be proven to be safe. It is not and cannot be a diet aid because the formaldehyde (from the breakdown of the 10% methanol) gets stored in the fat along with some water. The National Soft Drink Association developed a 30-page protest (in the '80s) that mentioned the fact that aspartame in a beverage was unstable, and that it reduced the levels of serotonin (a substance that gives one that "full" feeling), which can induce a craving for carbohydrates.

Benzene: Implicated as the solvent that HIV/AIDS and/or parasites use to gain access of a major organ or system in the body. Found in cold cereals, gasoline & lubricants.

Bronopol: Act by releasing nitrites, which combine with DEA to form nitrosamines. "One of the most expensive lines of cosmetics today, Chanel, often uses this chemical. So do many leading brands of baby products. And the Body Shop, whose product sales are built on a reputation of containing natural ingredients, also offers products containing this chemical. There are many safer yet equally effective products available," states Dr. Epstein. **

Carboxymethylcellulose, hydroxymethylcellulose, polyscorbate 60: The first of these compounds has been shown to cause cancer in animals. Used in cosmetics, inhalation of these products could cause chemical pneumonitis. Bodily implantation of these substances will cause foreign body [antibody] reaction (HOP, p. 308).

Chlorhexidine: Mildly toxic by ingestion. Skin irritant. Mutation data reported (HC, p. 167).

Coal Tar Dyes a.k.a. Artificial Colorings: (FD&C) are derived from petroleum products and are harmful to ingest, as in lipstick, in particular Blue 1, Green 3, Red 33, and Yellow 5&6. Blue #1 and Green #3 to name only a few. These colors are carcinogenic. According to Dr. Epstein, "These carcinogenic dyes are often contaminated with arsenic and lead." Check your toothpaste label on the box it came in! These artificial dyes are in many other products as well.

Collagen: may suffocate the skin. An insoluble fibrous protein that is too large to penetrate the skin (when used in excess). The collagen found in most skin care products is derived from animal skins and ground up chicken feet. This ingredient forms a layer of film that may suffocate the skin (when used in excess). The molecular weight of any product must be 3000 to enter the skin, 800 to enter the cell, 75 to enter the blood stream. The molecular weight of most skin & hair products is over 10,000 therefore, is ineffective.

Crystalline Silica: potential carcinogen. According to Dr. Epstein, "Crystalline Silica is present in some personal care products and toiletries. It's been incriminated as a cause of lung cancer in both animal studies and human." Diatomaceous earth (crystalline silica ground into a fine powder) is used as a filtrate for pools and as an insecticide. Use with caution since this is a lung irritant.

DEA (Diethanolamine): Interacts with nitrites to form a *nitrosamine carcinogen; very common ingredient found in mainstream cosmetics and toiletries. According to Dr. Epstein, "In studies by the National Toxicology Program, to induce cancer of the liver and kidney when applied to the skin of mice, it was shown to be readily absorbed through the skin and to accumulate in organs. After this clear-cut study which was released by the National Toxicology Program, you would expect that the mainstream industry to have acted on this and to replace DEA. Unfortunately, theres been a denial and an attempt to trivialize the risk." Found in bubble bath, shampoo, liquid soap, body lotions, and many other products.

Dioxins: a potentially carcinogenic by-product that results from the process used to bleach paper at paper mills. Dioxin-treated containers sometimes transfer dioxins to the product itself. (see Sodium Laureth Sulfate). According to Dr. Epstein, "The Health Protection Branch of Canada has reported dioxin levels in the parts per trillion range in several samples of milk and cream packaged in bleached milk cartons manufactured in the United States. Dioxin has migrated from the cartons to the milk. Very likely U.S. milk products are similarly contaminated with dioxin. Dioxins carcinogenicity is up to 500,000 times more potent than that of DDT." www.chej.org/

EDTA (ethylinediaminetetracetic acid): An ingredient that is being studied by the FDA for toxicity. (Also used in food).

Elastin of High-molecular Weight: A protein similar to collagen that is the main component of elastic fibers. Elastin is also derived from animal sources. Its effect on the skin is similar to collagen.

Fluoride: RNA Terminator; possible carcinogen. Dr. Epstein states, "There have been several studies incriminating fluoride in bone cancer. The important point about this is that the public have been given no information on this and fluoride in toothpaste is particularly dangerous because kids swallow a significant amount of the fluoride, especially when toothpaste contains saccharin as many toothpastes do." www.nofluoride.com

Fluorocarbons: can produce mild upper respiratory tract irritation. A colorless, nonflammable gas or liquid commonly used as a propellant in hairspray.

Formaldehyde: A toxic, colorless gas that is an irritant and a carcinogen. When combined with water, formaldehyde is used as a disinfectant, fixative, or preservative. Formaldehyde is found in many cosmetic products and conventional nail care systems.

Glycerin: A syrupy liquid that is chemically produced by combining water and fat. Unless the humidity of air is over 65 percent, glycerin draws moisture from the lower layers of the skin and holds it on the surface, which dries the skin from the inside out. Although potentially harmful in skin care products, when applied inside the moist cavity of the mouth, its properties as a humectant are potentially beneficial. Glycerin helps dental products retain moisture, as well as improve product consistency and spreadability--without negative effects.

HYDROQUINONE: Manufactured by oxidizing aniline, it is used extensively as a photographic developer and as a food antioxidant.

Lanolin: If it is not organic, then it is highly contaminated with pesticides. According to Dr. Epstein, "Most lanolin samples, at least 50 to 60%, are contaminated."

Lidocaine: Poison by ingestion and subcutaneous routes. Excitement, hallucinations, distorted perceptions, changes in heart rate, and dyspnea. Anesthetic rapidly absorbed by mucous membranes. Excessive doses may cause methemoglobinemia (HC, p. 439; HOP, p.341.)

Lye: A highly concentrated watery solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. Lye is combined with animal fats to make bar soaps, which may corrode and dry out the skin. Lye is highly alkaline, therefore, corrosive when undiluted.

Methylparaben, propylparaben: Close chemical cousins of benzoic acid. Poisonous and moderately toxic. An allergen. Causes dyspnea and allergic dermatitis (HC. pp. 132, 695, 702). Paraben Preservatives (methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, butyl-) can imitate the hormone estrogen in the body according to a recent study. (hard to find a good progesterone cream with one of these).

Mineral Oil (heavy) - Mineral Oil (light): Not considered a toxin in itself, but smothers the skin. A derivative of crude oil (petrolatum) that is used industrially as a cutting fluid and lubricating oil. Mineral oil forms an oily film over skin to lock in moisture, but traps in toxins and wastes, and clogs your pores; hinders normal skin respiration by keeping oxygen out.

MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) & hidden MSG: A Drug and Neurotransmitter. Hidden names are: Definite Sources of MSG · Hydrolyzed Protein · Sodium Caseinate or Calcium Caseinate · Autolyzed Yeast or Yeast Extract · Gelatin Possible sources of MSG · Textured Protein · Carrageenan or Vegetable Gum · Seasonings or Spices · Flavorings or Natural Flavorings · Chicken, Beef, Pork, Smoke Flavorings · Bouillon, Broth or Stock · Barley Malt, Malt Extract, Malt Flavoring · Whey Protein, Whey Protein Isolate or Concentrate · Soy Protein, Soy Protein Isolate or Concentrate · Soy Sauce or Extract

NAPTHALENE: The main constituent in mothballs and employed in the production of dyes and synthetic resins. It is also used for industrial lubricants, explosives, fungicides, and as a solvent and preservative.

Nitrosamine: According to Dr. Epstein, "We`ve known since 1976 that DEA will react with nitrites which are present, as preservatives or contaminants, in personal care products, to produce a carcinogen known as nitrosodiethanolamine. This is found in virtually any cosmetic that contains DEA.

Consumers have been exposed without any information and without any guidance whatsoever! In 1979 the FDA warned the cosmetic industry that DEA was dangerous because of this. The cosmetic industry ignored the warning! While over in Europe, strong action was taken to phase out the use of DEA."

Nitrosamines are also formed when food preservatives, sodium nitrate/nitrite, normally found in prepared deli meats are heated; this includes normal body heat in the gut.

Padimate-O (also known as octyl dimethyl PABA): Act by releasing nitrites which combine with DEA to form *nitrosamines. Found in cosmetics, especially sunscreens. "The most prudent consumers will prefer sunscreens without padimate-O," states Dr. Epstein. (Nitrosamines are also formed through ingestion of sodium nitrite, a color preservative found in most prepackaged lunch meats, smoked meats, and pet food.)

Nonoxynol 9: Poison by intraperitoneal route. Mutation data reported. When heated to decomposition, it emits acrid smoke and fumes (HC, p. 958).

Paraffin: Possible carcinogen with experimental tumorigenic data by implant route. (HC, p. 982; HOP, p. 212).

Para-phenylenediamine Dyes: carcinogenic when oxidized. According to Dr. Epstein, "These are dyes which are extensively used in permanent black and dark brown hair dyes which have been incriminated in a variety of cancers including non-Hodgkins lymphoma and multiple myeloma." Something to think about: Jackie Kennedy used to dye her hair black every two weeks or so and she died of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Petrolatum: smothers the skin. A petroleum-based grease that is used industrially as a grease component. Petrolatum exhibits many of the same potentially harmful properties as mineral oil.

PHENOL: Chiefly manufactured from benzene, its chief uses are in the manufacturing of plastics, dyes, and disinfectants. See Benzene and relationship to illnesses.

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG): "contaminated with a very potent carcinogen; dioxane and very easily absorbed through the skin," states Dr. Epstein. Used in a wide variety of personal care products. Moderately toxic. Eye irritant. Possible carcinogen and flammable. Many glycols produce severe acidosis, central nervous system damage, and congestion (HC, p. 1053; HOP, pp. 193-195.) PEG/Polyethylene/-eth at end of word can be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane.

Propylene Glycol: strong skin irritant. A cosmetic form of mineral oil found in automatic brake and hydraulic fluid, and industrial antifreeze. In skin and hair care products, propylene glycol works as a humectant, which is a substance that retains the moisture content of skin or cosmetic products by preventing the escape of moisture or water. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) warn users to avoid skin contact with propylene glycol as this strong skin irritant can cause liver abnormalities and kidney damage. Check out your body lotions, deodorant, hair conditioner, hair gel, creams, and many more products! Molecular weight of PGE is 60. (Ingredients with molecular weight of 75 or lower enters our blood stream)

Quanternium-15: releases formaldehyde. According to Dr. Epstein, "This ingredient is generally safe, BUT will break down in the bottle, or tube, or on the skin to release formaldehyde for which the evidence of its carcinogenicity is literally overwhelming."

Saccharin: carcinogen. According to Dr. Epstein, "The evidence on the carcinogenicity of saccharin is literally overwhelming. Saccharin is the only carcinogen identified in diet foods which is listed as a carcinogen on the label."

Sodium borate: A.K.A. borax. Toxic to all cells. Prolonged absorption causes anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and anemia (HOP, p. 396).

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS): skin irritant. It is rapidly absorbed and retained in the eyes, brain, heart, and liver, which may result in harmful long-term effects. SLS could retard healing, cause cataracts in adults, and keep children`s eyes from developing properly. In fact, studies have shown that washing your hair one time with a shampoo containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate could put as many nitrates into your bloodstream as eating a whole pound of bacon. And that is just ONE application. Molecular weight of SLS is 40 (Ingredients with a molecular weight of 75 or lower enters our blood stream)

Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES): "contaminated with a very potent carcinogen, dioxane and very easily absorbed through the skin," states Dr. Epstein. SLES is the alcohol form (ethoxylated) of SLS. It is slightly less irritating than SLS, but may cause more drying. Both SLS and SLES may cause potentially carcinogenic formations of nitrates and dioxins to form in shampoos and cleansers by reacting with other product ingredients. Large amounts of nitrates may enter the blood system from just one shampooing!

Talc: Carcinogen. Now legally implicated in causing ovarian cancer. Used by some 20 million women in their reproductive years not to mention, its wide use on infants in the form of "baby powder." According to Dr. Epstein, M.D., "Talc should never be used on babies both because of its carcinogenicity and acute respiratory distress from inhalation that often results in death. There are at least 3 clear cut studies which have been published in the scientific literature that show routine application of talc in the genital area is associated with up to a 3 to 4 fold increase in the development of ovarian cancer."

TEA (triethanolamine): Interacts with nitrites to form a nitrosamine carcinogen. According to Dr. Epstein, "Your best self-protection is to boycott any products containing DEA or TEA. That will send a clear message to the cosmetic industry." Just like DEA, TEA is very commonly found in creams, lotions, shampoo, and other products.

Thalidomide, the drug that caused severe defects in unborn children in the 1950s and 1960s, will be subsidised In Australia for use as a cancer treatment from next month. Clinical trials of the drug in treating multiple myeloma, a cancer of the bone marrow, have proved highly successful in managing the disease. Multiple myeloma is the second most common cancer of the blood, generally occurring in patients aged over 60.

About 1200 new patients are diagnosed in Australia each year. Myeloma affects white blood cells in the bone, leading to destruction of the bone and is one of the most rapidly increasing forms of cancer in the Western world. Available in 46 countries before its devastating side effects became widely known, thalidomide was prescribed for morning sickness but was withdrawn from sale in 1961.

Thalidomide babies were born with stunted arms or legs. Some were born with no limbs.  Martin Boulton, Melbourne Age

Triethanolamine: Moderately toxic by ingestion. Liver and kidney damage has been demonstrated in animals from chronic exposure. Possible carcinogen (HC, p. 1273).

What Contaminants & Carcinogens are hiding in Vaccines?

Vaccine Ingredients and Contact Info Dawn Winkler Source: 1997 Physicians' Desk Reference Toll Free Numbers can be called to obtain product inserts. This is a representative, not a comprehensive, list of the various types of vaccines3

Acel-Immune DTaP Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and A cellular Pertussis Vaccine Absorbed Lederle Laboratories 1-800-934-5556 produced using formaldehyde, thimerosal, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, polysorbate 80, gelatin.

Act HIB Haemophilus Influenza Type B (Hib) Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate Connaught Laboratories 1-800-822-2463 produced using ammonium sulfate, formalin, sucrose, thimerosal medium: semi-synthetic

Attenuvax Measles Virus Vaccine Live Merck & Co, Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin medium: chick embryo

DPT Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed SmithKlineBeecham Pharmaceuticals 1-800-366-8900 ext. 5231 produced using aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, ammonium sulfate, washed sheep red blood cells, glycerol, sodium chloride, thimerosal medium: porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein

Energix-B Hepatitis B SmithKlineBeecham Pharmaceuticals 1-800-633-8900 ext. 5231 produced using aluminum hydroxide, thimerosal medium: yeast (possibly 5% residual)

Havrix Hepatitis A SmithKlineBeecham Pharmaceuticals 1-800-633-8900 ext. 5231 produced using formalin, aluminum hydroxide, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), polysorbate 20, residual MRC5 proteins (from medium) medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Biavax Rubella and Mumps Virus Vaccine Live Merck & Co, Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

HibTiter Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) Lederle Laboratories 1-800-934-5556 produced using polyribosylribitol, ammonium sulfate, thimerosal medium: chemically defined, yeast based

Fluvirin Influenza Virus Vaccine Medeva Pharmaceuticals 1-888-MEDEVA (716)274-5300 produced using embryonic fluid (chicken egg), neomycin, polymyxin, thimerosal, betapropiolactone medium: embryonic fluid (chicken egg)

FluShieldInfluenza Virus Vaccine, Trivalent, Types A&B Wyeth-Ayerst 1-800-934-5556 produced using gentamicin sulfate, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, tri(n)butylphosphate, thimerosal medium: chick embryos

IPOL Inactivated Polio Vaccine Connaught Laboratories 1-800-822-2463 produced using 3 types of polio virus, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B medium: VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells

MMR Measles Mumps Rubella Live Virus Vaccine Merck & Co., Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using sorbitol, neomycin, hydrolyzed gelatin mediums: M&M - chick embryo Rubella - human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

M-R-Vax Measles and Rubella Virus Vaccine Live Merck & Co., Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin mediums: M - chick embryo R - human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Menomune Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Connaught Laboratories 1-800-822-2463 produced using thimerosal, lactose medium: freeze dried polysaccharide antigens from Neisseria Meningitides

Meruvax II Rubella Virus Vaccine Live Merck & Co., Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Mumpsvax Mumps Virus Vaccine Live Merck & Co., Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Orimune Poliovirus Vaccine Live Oral Trivalent Lederle Laboratories 1-800-934-5556 produced using 3 types of attenuated polioviruses, streptomycin, neomycin, calf serum, sorbitol medium: monkey kidney cell culture

Pneumovax Pneumococcal Vaccine Polyvalent Merck & Co., Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using phenol and capsular polysaccharides from the 23 most prevalent pneumococcal types

Prevnar Pneumococcal 7-valent Conjugate Vaccine Lederle Laboratories 1-800-934-5556 produced using Diphtheria CRM197 Protein, capsular antigens of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F individually conjugated to Diphtheria CRM197 Protein, soy peptone broth, ammonium sulfate, aluminum phosphate medium: yeast extract based

Imovax Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed Connaught Laboratories 1-800-822-2463 produced using human albumin, neomycin sulfate, phenol red indicator medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals 1-800-366-8900 ext. 5231 produced using betapropiolactone, aluminum phosphate, sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate (thimerosal), phenol red medium: fetal rhesus monkey lung cells

Recombivax Hepatitis B Vaccine Recombinant Merck & Co., Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using thimerosal, aluminum hydroxide medium: yeast (residual < 1% yeast protein)

RotaShield Rotavirus Vaccine, Live, Oral, Tetravalent Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories 1-800-934-5556 produced using 1 rhesus monkey rotavirus, 3 rhesus-human reassortant viruses, sucrose, monosodium glutamate (MSG), potassium monophosphate, potassium diphosphate, fetal bovine serum, neomycin sulfate, amphotericin B medium: fetal rhesus diploid cell line

Varivax Varicella Virus Vaccine Live Merck & Co., Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using sucrose, phosphate, monosodium glutamate, processed gelatin medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Vaccine Addendums

According to IVAC, (Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition 708-848-0116) all vaccines contain monosodium glutamate even if not listed in product insert. According to numerous sources, all vaccines contain thimerosal (mercury). Manufacturers have declared that it is not possible to produce any vaccine without these two components.

Chemical Profiles and Definitions Sources: EDF (Environmental Defense Fund) & MME (Mosby's Medical Encyclopedia) Ammonium Sulfate: EDF Suspected - gastrointestinal or liver toxicant neurotoxicant respiratory toxicant

Amphotericin B: MME definition - a drug used to treat fungus infections. Known allergy to this drug prohibits use. Side effects include blood clots, blood defects, kidney problems, nausea and fever. When used on the skin, allergic reactions can occur.

Aluminum: EDF Suspected - cardiovascular or blood toxicant neurotoxicant respiratory toxicant More hazardous than most chemicals in 2 out of 6 ranking systems on at least 2 federal regulatory lists

Beta-Propiolactone: EDF Recognized - carcinogen EDF Suspected - gastrointestinal or liver toxicant respiratory toxicant skin or sense organ toxicant More hazardous than most chemicals in 3 out of 3 ranking systems On at least 5 federal regulatory lists Ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%)to humans

Formaldehyde: EDF Recognized - carcinogen Suspected - gastrointestinal or liver toxicant immunotoxicant neurotoxicant reproductive toxicant respiratory toxicant skin or sense organ toxicant More hazardous than most chemicals in 5 out of 12 ranking systems On at least 8 federal regulatory lists Ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to ecosystems and human health

Gentamicin Sulfate: an antibiotic

Hydrolyzed Gelatin: obtained from selected pieces of calf and cattle skins, de-mineralized cattle bones (ossein) and porkskin

Monosodium Glutamate: Normally used as a flavor enhancer in a variety of foods, however, due to concerns expressed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, MSG was removed from all products intended for use in infants under the age of one. Injections of glutamate into laboratory animals have resulted in damage to nerve cells in the brain.

Neomycin: an antibiotic

Phenol: EDF Suspected - cardiovascular or blood toxicant aka Carbolic Acid developmental toxicant, gastrointestinal or liver toxicant, kidney toxicant, neurotoxicant respiratory toxicant, skin or sense organ toxicant. More hazardous than most chemicals in 3 out of 10 ranking systems. On at least 8 federal regulatory lists

Phenoxyethanol: EDF Suspected - developmental toxicant aka Antifreeze. Reproductive toxicant Less hazardous than most chemicals in 3 ranking systems

Polyribosylribitol: a component of the Hib bacterium

Polymyxin: an antibiotic

Polysorbate: EDF Suspected - skin or sense organ toxicant

Sorbitol: EDF Suspected - gastrointestinal or liver toxicant. Less hazardous than most chemicals in 1 ranking system

Streptomycin: an antibiotic

Sucrose: refined sugar

Thimerosal: EDF Recognized - development toxicant Suspected - skin or sense organ toxicant (see Drug Vaccine Policy on how U.S. Policy for Vaccines & Drugs Broadly Eliminates Liability).

Tri(n)butylphosphate: EDF Suspected - kidney toxicant & neurotoxicant. More hazardous than most chemicals in 2 out of 3 ranking systems. On at least 1 federal regulatory list

How are U.S. Citizens affected by ionizing radiation?

The use of cell phones and other wireless technology is of great concern, particularly since these devices are being used regularly by ever larger and younger segments of the population with leaps and bounds into more precise microwave technology.

Americans now are estimated to receive nearly half of their total radiation exposure from medical imaging and other medical sources, compared with only 15 percent in the early 1980s. The increase in medical radiation has nearly doubled the total average effective radiation dose per individual in the United States. Computed tomography (CT) and nuclear medicine tests alone now contribute 36 percent of the total radiation exposure and 75 percent of the medical radiation exposure of the U.S. population. These stats do not take into account the careless industry practice of recycling radioactive metal for the consumer market.

Many referring physicians, radiology professionals, and the public are unaware of the radiation dose associated with various tests or the total radiation dose and related increased cancer risk individuals may accumulate over a lifetime. People who receive multiple scans or other tests that require radiation may accumulate doses equal to or exceeding that of Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors.

Hundreds of thousands of military personnel and civilians in the United States received significant radiation doses as a result of their participation in nuclear weapons testing and supporting occupations and industries, including nuclear fuel and weapons production, and uranium mining, milling, and ore transport. Hundreds of thousands more were irradiated at levels sufficient to cause cancer and other diseases.

How are environmental toxins affecting Children?

Numerous environmental contaminants can cross the placental barrier; to a disturbing extent, babies are born "pre-polluted." There is a critical lack of knowledge and appreciation of environmental threats to children's health and a severe shortage of researchers and clinicians trained in children's environmental health.

Single-agent toxicity testing and reliance on animal testing are inadequate to address the backlog of untested chemicals already in use and the plethora of new chemicals introduced every year.

Many known or suspected carcinogens are completely unregulated. Enforcement of most existing regulations is poor. In virtually all cases, regulations fail to take multiple exposures and exposure interactions into account.

Many known or suspected carcinogens are completely unregulated. Enforcement of most existing regulations is poor. In virtually all cases, regulations fail to take multiple exposures and exposure interactions into account.


  1. Dr. Hulda Clark's HIV/AIDS Page; Cancer Page; educate-yourself.org

  2. Consumer Alert/Isopropyl: Isopropyl Alcohol and Other Toxic Solvents: A Historical Literature Review, Dietrich Klinghardt, MD. PhD and Louisa Williams, MS DC ND, 1995

  3. Vaccine Ingredients and Contact Info Dawn Winkler; 1997 Physicians' Desk Reference; Compiled by Donna Carrillo

  4. Read the National Institutes of Health report:

  5. Expert panel - Carcinogenic chemicals in environment threaten Americans.; these reports do not take into account air pollution and other toxins spread through geoengineering / weather modification activities.

mercury dental filling

Discover more about mercury and how you can get this toxic, bioaccumulative substance from your dentist through our infographic "Mercury Dental Fillings: By the Numbers." Use the embed code to share it on your website.

mercury dental filling

Discover more about mercury and how you can get this toxic, bioaccumulative substance from your dentist through our infographic "Mercury Dental Fillings: By the Numbers." Use the embed code to share it on your website.

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